08-23-2020 Atlanta
There’s a flurry of emails and phone calls about today’s Board Retreat and the upshot is that it will be a virtual experience. That means there isn’t so much pressure to have everything cleaned up and put away. Yay! We have time to watch Emerson’s service with Rev. Deborah and to check in with Spirit of Life, although there isn’t time to watch the service before things have to happen around here!
The new house in perfect! It’s beautiful and the layout is practical; there is lots of storage, the closets are spacious, the kitchen is enormous, yet inviting, and the back yard feels good without requiring more than a half hour to mow!
This is Otto who is so smart and strong that he can open drawers and cabinet doors!
His sister, Sage, refused to pose for me!
This tickles me because I have a switch-plate cover by the same artist!
Such a lovely home!
With a huge kitchen!
I share the photos and send them to Elizabeth and we all take a walk around the neighborhood, including the pool and the tennis courts. Ben and Andy play here a couple of times a week and Ben and Elizabeth take frequent walks.
We chat about everything and the times flies. I finally realize that I’ve monopolized their entire afternoon and Andy and I head home. When we get there Ginger still has an hour of her retreat left, which gives me time to blog, and when she’s done we take Lemon Grass Thai orders for dinner.
We go off to pick up dinner and eat as soon as we get home! Yay! I love their coconut soup! And their panang curry chicken is good, too! After dinner we watch “The Bridges of Madison County” and giggle every time we spot a place we’ve been! I even posted a photo of the stone bridge in the city park where Robert and Franscesca go! We noticed that Clint Eastwood wrote the music for the movie’s love theme and that they didn’t give credit to the volunteer fire department for making the climactic rain scene possible with their fire hoses!
I’m played out and crash well before Nick or Ginger! I’ve decided that I’ll stay up here another day, after checking to make sure that my fantabulous pet sitters are okay with that! There’s going to be a Girls’ Day with Ginger, Amy, and Elizabeth, and I don’t want to miss it! And it will give Hurricane Laura another day to get further away from Florida!
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